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    [会展号]  发布时间:2021/10/15 15:12:44  浏览:18978次
    今天是2024年4月19日 星期五 这里是2022上海国际石墨烯地暖及电热膜展览会预告,由系统自动更新仅供参考。展e展提醒您:因办展存在不可控性导致展会延期无法及时获取更新,参观参展前请务必联系客服/主办方核实确认。展e展祝您参展愉快!

    “2022上海国际石墨烯地暖及电热膜展览会”将于2022年3月3-5日在国家会展中心(上海)展览馆隆重举办,经过多年的发展,已成为国内外具有一定影响力的采暖行业业界盛会。我们真诚邀请您参与本次展会,会议和现场各项活动。展会期间,我们可以通过大会官方媒体平台官网,,微博,Facebook, Iinkedin将为您不间断提供**新展会信息和行业新闻。我们希望在石墨烯地暖及电热膜展会的成长道路上一直有您相伴,指导和支持。

    石墨烯电地暖、石墨烯地暖、电热膜、电采暖、发热膜、发热瓷砖/地板/芯片/模块/、地暖、家用电暖器、红外线采暖、暖床垫,暖马甲,石墨烯墙暖,模块化地暖,装配式地暖,发热芯片,石墨烯发热地板,发热材料,智能地暖,节能地暖, 保温、隔热材料,发热电缆、碳晶材料、电热板、碳纤维发热取暖等新型供暖产品等

    2022 Shanghai International Graphene Geothermal and Electric Film Exhibition, Shanghai famous exhibition, welcome to participate, round you will show your dreams. Due to the uncontrollable nature of the exhibition, there may be a change of theme, delay or cancellation of the situation, please contact the organizer before the exhibition visit to verify! Follow the convention number to learn about the event.

    With the improvement of science and technology level, energy conservation and environmental protection awareness is gradually accepted by people, a new round of heating revolution, graphene heating will rise in the field of heating, residents of the heating requirements become prominent, the common people need is a set of science, safety, environmental protection, economy, convenience, comfort, energy conservation advantages in one heating method. According to expert tips, the thermal utilization rate of electric energy is much higher than that of coal and gas of traditional heating energy, there is no additional loss, and it is very environmentally friendly, graphene heating will become a new trend in the field of heating in China.
    "2022 Shanghai International Graphene Geothermal and Electric Film Exhibition" will be held in the National Convention and Exhibition Center (Shanghai) Exhibition Hall on March 3-5, 2022, after years of development, has become a domestic and foreign heating industry event with a certain impact. We sincerely invite you to participate in this exhibition, conference and on-site activities. During the exhibition, we can provide you with information and industry news through the official media platform of the General Assembly, Weibo, Facebook, Iinkedin. We hope to have you together, guide and support on the growth path of graphene geothermal and electrothermal film exhibition.

    信息来源:会展号 EXPO号  会员:
    信息标签: 上海石墨烯地暖展   | 2022上海石墨烯电热膜展会
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